17 Weeks Around the World

This Guy - The Details

At this point this particular journey is over. There have been journeys since, though I have not written about them. Perhaps one day I will. In the meantime, please enjoy the website. The following is my original "about me" description that I wrote before I began my 'round the world trip.


Some days I still have trouble believing that I am traveling around the world for four months. Seriously- who does that? I am just a normal 24 year old guy who lives in Los Angeles, works in visual effects for a great company with even better people, and does normal person things like binge on pizza and go hiking.  Three years ago I decided to take this trip and have been planning and saving ever since.  


It is true that I have the advantage of 11 years of sporadic international travel.  I somehow convinced my parents to send me on an exchange trip to Japan in the eighth grade, and have been traveling when I can, as often as I can, ever since- though this trip is by far my longest yet.  This blog is a way for people to keep up with my trip, and there are some interesting (well, I think they're interesting anyway) stories, tips, and reviews for those of you who are planning a trip, or who even have the slightest spark of interest in taking a trip at some point in the future.  I hope that you find something here that you like and enjoy this journey with me.


- Philip McGuire